In accordance with Idaho Code 33-202, parents or guardians who reside in in this district shall cause their children between the ages of seven and sixteen to attend school. Such children who are enrolled in the District shall be instructed in subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools of the state of Idaho. All children who are enrolled shall conform to the attendance policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees. Each building principal will publish their building’s attendance procedures that reflect board policy. Parental permission will not overcome the presumption of truancy. Regular attendance is an important factor in a student’s achievement at school and helps prepare them for the world of work. Students not in school have fewer opportunities to learn the material that enables them to succeed in their classes. High attendance rates are indicators of effective schools and enable greater student performance. (4-27-16)
Objectives of Attendance:
A. To increase school completion for all students,
B. To raise student achievement,
C. To close gaps in student performance,
D. To know the whereabouts of every student for safety,
E. To comply with Idaho state education laws,
F. To increase assessment scores through classroom learning,
G. To acknowledge educator’s accountability for student achievement.
Therefore, Moscow School District #281 requires all school children to be in attendance 90 percent of instruction days. (4-27-16)
Updated Revision Approved 8/26/20 for the 2020-21 School Year:
During this health emergency, attendance will take into account the following:
- The location of instructional services,
- Content covered and learning progress in both the hybrid and online-only models,
- Assigned online work will be expected to be completed in a timely manner as determined by the teacher, and
- If a student is not present for an in-person instructional day, the student will be permitted to complete all work assigned within a reasonable period as determined by the teacher.
Attendance for the hybrid and online-only model is as important as attendance in a traditional classroom. For students to have a positive, productive, and enjoyable learning experience, they must attend and participate on both the distance learning days and face-to-face days.
- In the hybrid model, teachers will take attendance on the face-to-face days and monitor participation on the distance learning days. Students will be counted as present for their three (3) distance learning days if they engage in the assigned content through CANVAS, the Learning Management System (LMS), by the assigned weekly deadline in their AA/BB cohort.
- In the online-only model, students will be counted as present if they engage in the assigned content through CANVAS, theLearning Management System (LMS), by the assigned daily/weekly deadline given by their teacher.
As in a traditional model, parents will be contacted if their child is marked absent. If there is a chronic attendance concern, a plan will be put into place with the student, teacher, administrator, and/or counselor. In either model, if lack of attendance is negatively impacting a student’s education and progression through the content, they may be referred to Attendance Court as noted in Board Policy, Section V: Students - Policy 5000.01.02.