It is the mission of the Moscow School District that students acquire and apply basic skills and develop a work ethic that will enhance their lives. Study skills and time management skills will be taught in all classrooms. Homework will be related to district curriculum, be the extension of classroom learning and be developmentally (age and grade level) appropriate. Students who have an “Individualized Education Plan” (IEP) will be assigned homework consistent with their IEP.
Whenever possible, homework will have a clear and meaningful connection to daily living contexts, including the world of work, and emphasize creativity, responsibility, and the attainment of quality expectations defined by the curriculum and teacher.
New short-term assignments will not be made on extended weekends or holidays, although students may choose to work on assignments or long-term projects.
Completion of homework late in the evening is discouraged at all levels. If the homework instructions or difficulty of task are creating a significant amount of frustration at home, parents are encouraged to call or send a note to the teacher to express questions or concerns. (7-30-96)
Each building will develop and distribute homework procedures consistent with the guidelines below: