Moscow School District library staff have an ethical obligation to protect and promote student privacy as part of the commitment to intellectual freedom. Although the education level and program of the school necessarily shapes the resources and services of each school library, the principles of the Library Bill of Rights apply to all school libraries.
- School library staff need to be cautious when sharing information regarding privacy rights of library users. School libraries are in the unique position to educate students and staff about the implication of sharing information with others as well as the libraries’ role in protecting privacy. This policy safeguards the privacy of all library users, regardless of their age or their relationship to the person requesting information. Legal authority for this Confidentiality Policy is included in the Library Bill of Rights, Idaho Code 74-108, and the American Association Statement of Confidentiality (ALA 52.4, 54.16).
- Procedures for Implementing Policy on the Confidentiality of Library Records:
- Library records are considered confidential and will not be released to a third party unless required by law.
- Students may request library reports for their own personal account and records. Parents may request library reports for their student’s personal account and records.
- Lists with students' names only will be sent to teachers to relay messages to students with overdue books or books being held a the circulation desk.
- All staff, student library media center aides, substitutes, or volunteers will be informed of and agree to these confidentiality policies and the Library Bill of Rights.
- Circulation computers will post confidentiality reminders. As an example: "Private information should only be shared with the patron."