Each year the Board of Trustees shall review and update the collaborative continuous improvement plan to improve student achievement in the District, assess and prioritize needs, and measure outcomes.
The Board shall work with the Superintendent to engage students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members as appropriate in the planning process.
The annual Continuous Improvement Plan shall:
Be data driven, specifically in student outcomes, and shall include but not be limited to analysis of demographic data, student achievement and growth data, graduation rates, and college and career readiness;
Set clear and measurable targets base on student outcomes;
Include a clearly developed and articulated vision and mission;
Include key indicators for monitoring performance; and
Include a report of progress toward the previous year’s improvement goals.
Multiple measures shall be used to determine student readiness and improvement. At the minimum, the Board shall set a benchmark for each of the following metrics:
Career and College Readiness: The number and percentage of students meeting the college ready benchmark in mathematics and English Language Arts on a state recognized college entrance exam. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of students meeting the college readiness benchmark.
High School Readiness: The number and percentage of students meeting proficient or advanced in the 8th grade Idaho Standards Achievement Test in mathematics and English language usage. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced.
7th Grade Readiness: The number and percentage of students meeting proficient or advanced on the 6th grade Idaho Standards Achievement Test in mathematics and English language usage. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of student scoring proficient or advanced.
4th Grade Readiness: The number and percentage of students reading at grade level on the spring 3rd grade statewide reading assessment. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of students scoring at grade level.
3rd Grade Readiness: The number and percentage of students reading at grade level on the spring 2nd grade statewide reading assessment. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of students scoring at grade level.
2nd Grade Readiness: The number and percentage of students reading at grade level on the spring 1st grade statewide reading assessment. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of students scoring at grade level.
1st Grade Readiness: The number and percentage of students reading at grade level on the spring kindergarten statewide reading assessment. Improvement shall be measured by year over year growth in the percentage of students scoring at grade level.
The Board may engage in planning training to assist in the process and the development of the plan. Qualified planning training may be reimbursable by the State through the process outlined in the Idaho State Board of Education rule. (IDAPA Planning and Training)
The Board shall continuously monitor progress towards the targets for student outcomes included in the plan by using relevant data to measure growth. Such progress shall be included in the Board’s annual evaluation of the Superintendent.
The District plan shall be made available to the public by being posted on the District’s website. The plan must be reviewed, updated annually, and posted no later than October 1st of each year.