Board of Trustees

  • Our Board of Trustees consists of five elected community members who volunteer their time and service to make decisions in the best interest of our schools and students.
  • The Board selects the superintendent, sets district policies and budgets, approves educational programs, makes decisions about curriculum and textbook adoptions, and assures adherence to the district's Continuous Improvement Plan.
    • Board members are elected within their respective zones and serve four-year terms.To view individual trustee zones and legal descriptions, click on the blue zone number below:
 Zone 1
Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5
Jim Frenzel
Term Expires 2027
Ken Faunce, Chair
Term Expires 2025
Dulce Kersting-Lark
Term Expires 2027
Dawn Fazio
Term Expires 2027
Brian Kennedy, V-Chair
Term Expires 2025
Jim Frenzel
Ken Faunce
Dulce Kersting Lark
Dawna Fazio
Brian Kennedy
(208) 882-3963 (208) 596-0602 (515) 231-3020
(208) 882-0965 (208) 301-4491

Board of Trustees - Code of Ethics - 2025

Board Goals 

  1. Create opportunities to foster creativity, inspiration and action that enables each student to achieve their maximum potential.
    1. Implement effective processes and communication platforms that optimize learning across instructional strategies and models.
    2. Utilize learning standards and outcomes for all education models.
    3. Develop and maintain common assessment of academic achievement for all students at intervals determined by the district to support continued instructional improvement.
  2. Encourage constructive engagement from our collective stakeholders.
    1. Foster staff intra-district collaboration and communication.
    2. Increase opportunities for meaningful community engagement.
    3. Implement effective processes and communication platforms that optimize engagement of all stakeholders.
    4. Facilitate consistent, transparent, timely, and appropriate communication.
  3. Work toward constantly refurbishing and improving District facilities and infrastructure to better meet the educational needs of our students in a safe and healthy environment.
    1. Support improvements that ensure safety for instruction and District activities, both physically and digitally.
    2. Review periodically long-term facilities needs in the context of financial projections.
    3. Explore opportunities for new construction.
  4. Pursue and support programs that advance the emotional well-being of our students, and our staff’s ability to support them.
    1. Ensure that staff who work directly with students are supported in their training of de-escalation skills.
    2. Support the training opportunities of certified staff for development of effective behavioral management plans.
    3. Assess district wide social-emotional wellbeing for students and staff to continue to support the emotional health of our schools.
    4. Support the development of plans and structures that ensure the mental health of all students.
  5. Building and strengthening the ongoing leadership competencies of the Board of Trustees.
    1. Review Board Policy and direct policy revisions to ensure alignment with the Negotiation Agreement and current state and federal laws.
      1. SMART Goal: Board will complete review of Board Policy, sections VII & VIII.
    2. Participate in trainings to ensure that the practices of good “Boardsmanship” are collectively adopted and updated to reflect dynamic conditions.
      1. SMART Goal: Board members will attend and/or participate in ISBA Annual Convention, ISBA Day on the Hill, Region 2 ISBA Meeting(s) and one (or more) district trainings.
    3. Increasing two-way communication with state legislators to heighten the Board’s understanding of and advocacy for legislative issues impacting the District.
      1. SMART Goal: Board will invite legislators to a board meeting prior to the legislative session and attend one (or more) legislative input sessions.