Online Resources: Databases and Reference eBooks

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Databases Provided by
Moscow Middle School Library



Gale eBooks

Gale eBooks icon with link that opens in a new window 

A collection of digital reference books 

Gale eBook Title list


Databases for Middle School Research
Provided by


Explora Middle Schools

Explora Middle School icon with link that opens in a new window. 

Explora Middle Schools is an EBSCO Database provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. The Explora database accesses information from a variety of sources such as magazines, books, encyclopedias, news, biographies, and primary source documents.

Explora is accessed through Libraries Linking Idaho for Schools,

History Reference Center (HRC)

History Reference Center icon with link that opens in a new window. 

History Reference Center is an EBSCO database provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries.  History Reference Center accesses information from reference books, encyclopedias, nonfiction books, primary sources, maps, and photos.

History Reference Center is accessed through Libraries Linking Idaho for Schools,

World Book Student (WB)

World Book Student icon with link that opens in a new window 

World Book Student is provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. Three versions of World Book online encyclopedias are available:

  • World Book Student – Encyclopedia content designed for students in middle grades.
  • World Book Discover – Designed for striving readers and ESL/ELL learners.
  • World Book Advanced – Encyclopedia for high school or new college students. Includes multimedia, e-book center with public domain content, and primary source documents.

World Book Student is accessed through Libraries Linking Idaho for School,

Libraries Linking Idaho ( - More Online Resources Provided by the Idaho Commission

Libraries Linking Idaho Databases ( Libraries Linking Idaho is an information portal provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. This vast collection of resource databases connects information to learners of any age and informational needs. Learners will find information in a variety of formats including journal articles, news, reference, video, audio, images, and primary source documents and artifacts.