All students must be in attendance in each classroom 90% of the days when that class is in session. If a student is not present for more than 50% of an attendance period, regardless of reason, he/she shall be counted as absent for the entire class period. Students are expected to be in class on time. Tardies are defined as the student missing up to ten minutes of class time. Every three tardies accrued in an individual semester attendance period will be counted as one absence. No credit will be granted for the class and a student will be considered habitually truant when attending less than 90% of the days per semester. This attendance policy will be applied on a quarterly basis for Paradise Creek Regional High School due to the structure of the school. The building principal will consider a student's attendance record as a whole in making their decisions. “Extraordinary cases” are generally understood to be those in which a student's absences were due to circumstances beyond the control of the student, parent, and/or the school. Because a student is considered to be in control of his/her own actions, truancy or any suspension from school or a class for disciplinary purposes will not be considered an extraordinary circumstance. (4-27-16)
The following “extraordinary” criteria may be considered when reviewing petitions for waiver of the attendance policy:
- All school-sponsored activities in which the student is a participant
- All district-approved testing or counseling
- Illness or injury verified in writing by physician or school district nurse
- Death in the immediate family
- Activities involving state or national recognition
- Requirement to appear for legal proceedings
- Absence caused by a natural disaster as confirmed by school administration
- Dental, Doctor, and Health & Welfare appointments verified in writing by service provider
- Immediate family member leaving or returning from military overseas deployment
- College visitation - (Maximum 1 per Junior Year and 2 per Senior Year)