When there is reasonable cause to believe that a student has violated this policy by committing any of the above acts, an investigation will be conducted by the activities director or other appropriate school administrator.
As a part of the investigation process, the student will receive written notice of the allegation that he/she violated the policy, and will be given an informal hearing with the investigator. Parents/guardians and the head coach/advisor are also encouraged to attend this hearing.
At the hearing, the reasons for possible suspension from activities will be stated, and the student will be given an opportunity to provide evidence to refute those reasons.
The investigator may determine a violation of the policy has occurred from examination of the facts, information, or evidence from any of the following sources:
- Direct observation by an adult or a student possessing, using, or distributing controlled substances;
- Self admission by the student to a coach, activities director, or appropriate school administrator;
- Notification of school authorities by the student's parent or guardian;
- A criminal charge involving the possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances. (3-26-02)