Counselors and school psychologists, while often trained in suicide prevention and intervention do not provide mental health care for students in crisis. Therefore, information about community mental health resources and referral procedures will be available in each building to reference.
1. Notification Responsibilities of Faculty & Staff. Any staff member who has reason to suspect a student is at risk of suicide shall notify the building counselor or school psychologist, who will contact the building administrator.
2. Crisis Interview. The counselor or school psychologist will conduct an interview with the student, if possible, to gather pertinent information.
3. Informing Parents. The counselor or school psychologist will contact the parent or guardian, informing them of the situation and providing them with community mental health resources and referral procedures information. If parents cannot be contacted, the police will be notified. The student at risk should not be left unattended.
4. Documentation. The counselor or school psychologist will complete a Suicide Prevention Reportthat provides a summary of the interview. Copies of the completed report shall be provided to the parent or guardian, the counselor/school psychologist and the building administrator. (See Forms Section) (8-26-03)