Directory information can be made public if the District provides parents/guardians written notice of the right of the parents/guardians to prohibit such a release. This notice will be given annually, in writing, using a parent letter from the Superintendent. (3-29-07)
The notice will include:
- The information designated as directory information.
- The right of the parent/guardian or eligible student to refuse to allow the District to disclose the directory information regarding that particular student. This request must be received in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the notice.
Directory information includes:
- student name and gender
- address
- telephone number
- date and place of birth
- parent(s)/guardian(s) name(s)
- attendance dates, awards earned, honor roll data, and diploma earned
- height and weight of members of athletic teams
- information typically found in school yearbooks or athletic programs.
Directory information will be made available to the military according to the requirement of Section 9528-Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Laws & Guidance, U.S. Department of Education unless the parent/guardian or eligible student makes a written request to opt-out by the annual deadline. Forms are available at the high school or on the District's website. (7-31-17)