6078.00 | Challenged Materials

The primary purpose of having instructional materials is to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of the District.

Occasionally, material selected is challenged or questioned by the public. In the interest of handling these complaints objectively and expeditiously, the “Procedure to Analyze Teaching Material”is followed. (See Procedures Section VI)

Concerns regarding instructional materials, including accusations that certain materials are harmful to minors as defined in Idaho Code 18-1514 are initially discussed with the classroom teacher or teacher librarian. Continuing concerns are addressed in a meeting with the complainant and principal, as well as the classroom teacher or teacher librarian. If the situation cannot be resolved, the complainant can obtain a Request for Review of Instructional Materials form that is available on the District’s website.  (See Forms, Section VI). The completed form must be turned into the Superintendent or Board Clerk. The Superintendent will inform the building principal, and the Instructional Materials Review Procedure will be initiated. Materials that are reviewed and/or appealed and deemed harmful to minors will be removed from circulation.

  1. Review Procedure. Material that is the subject of this review procedure is not removed until the final decision has been reached. In accordance with state law, materials that are alleged to be harmful to minors in accordance with Idaho Code 18-1514 and that have not had a final decision will be temporarily removed from circulation after sixty (60) days from the original request pending a final decision. Only minor enrolled students and their parents or guardian may make the claim that materials are harmful to minors as defined by Idaho Code 18-1514. Materials that have previously been considered by the Instructional Materials Review Committee or the Board of Trustees will not be reconsidered unless there have been substantive changes to the book or materials
    1.  The complainant obtains and completes the Request for Review of Instructional Materials form.
    2. The Superintendent notifies the building principal of receipt of the completed Request for Review of Instructional Materials form.
    3.  The principal appoints an Instructional Materials Review Committee consisting of two parents and/or patrons, two teachers, one teacher librarian, and a counselor.
    4.  Members of this committee evaluate the material in question, along with other pertinent information.
    5.  Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the signed form, the committee convenes, and the complainant presents his/her position.
    6.  The committee discusses the material with regard to the complaint and will issue a decision within forty (40) days of the meeting date.
    7.  The review decision is forwarded to the complainant, principal, Superintendent, Board Clerk, classroom teacher, and teacher librarian.
  2. Appeal of Instructional Materials Review Committee Decision. The complainant, classroom teacher, or teacher librarian has the option of either accepting the committee’s decision or appealing to the Board of Trustees. If either party chooses to appeal:
    1. He/she must notify the Superintendent within ten (10) days of receipt of the committee’s decision.
    2.  The Superintendent notifies the Board of Trustees that an appeal of the committee’s decision has been filed.
    3.  The Superintendent notifies the appellant of the procedures for presenting their objection before the Board of Trustees.
    4.  The Superintendent provides the Board of Trustees with all materials and information accumulated by the Request for Review of Instructional Materials process.
    5.  After reviewing these materials, the Board of Trustees will hold an open meeting to hear presentations from the appellant and other interested parties.
    6.  The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on the use of the challenged material or if the materials under review meets the definition of harmful to minors as identified in Idaho Code 18-1514 and notifies the appellant, principal, classroom teacher, and teacher librarian of its decision within forty-five (45) days of the appeal hearing.