A public charter school must adopt policies and procedures for the provision of special education services to students with disabilities. The public charter school must employ and supervise appropriately certified personnel to implement students' Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
If the District or the State Department of Education notifies a public charter school of an area of non-compliance, the school must work collaboratively with the District to ensure that the policies and procedures of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) are being implemented appropriately and make necessary changes. Public charter school personnel should participate in training opportunities provided by the state or District regarding IDEA policies and procedures. Federal dollars flow through to the public charter school from the District and must be spent and accounted for according to VI-B application categories.
The District must ensure that the public charter school is implementing the requirements of IDEA for all students with disabilities enrolled in the school. This will include participation of the Director of Special Services or designee in IEP team meetings, review of certification records of personnel responsible for special education services, periodic review of confidential files to ensure compliance with policies and procedures, and review of special education expenditures. All Federal VI-B special education funds for which the school is eligible will flow through the District to the public charter school. (2-27-01)