The Board believes all students, through necessary accommodations where required, shall have the opportunity to participate in the school meal program. In some cases, students' disabilities may prevent them from eating meals prepared for the general school population. These students may suffer from extreme allergic reactions, or anaphylaxis.
Definition: Anaphylaxis is a rapid, severe allergic response that occurs when a person is exposed to an allergen, an allergy-causing substance. Anaphylaxis is also known as anaphylactic shock, a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.
Therefore, the following policies are in force to implement District responsibilities in this area:
- Substitutions. Substitutions to regular meals will be made for students who are unable to eat school meals because of the students' disabilities when their needs are certified in writing by a licensed physician. Meal service shall be provided in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of the disabled student.
- Physician's Statement. The District, in compliance with USDA Child Nutrition Division guidelines, will provide substitute meals to students with diet-related disabilities based upon a licensed physician's signed statement. This statement shall include the nature of the student's disability; typical allergy symptoms; the reason the disability prevents the student from eating the regular school meals; foods to be omitted from the student's diet; indication of the major life activity affected by the disability; the specific diet prescription along with the substitution(s) needed and dosing instructions; and any other pertinent information concerning ways to manage the student's allergy.
- 504 Accommodation Plan. The Board recognizes students with documented life-threatening food allergies are considered disabled and are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 93-112, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A clearly defined “504 Accommodation Plan” shall be developed and implemented for all such students in which necessary accommodations are made to ensure full participation of identified students in school programs. Such plan shall be signed by the appropriate staff, the parent/guardian of the student, and the student's physician. (7-18-02)