6076.51 | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

In alignment with Section 1116(a)(2) of ESSA, the Moscow School District will:
  1. Engage parents and families in the joint planning and development of the district’s Title I plan.
  2. Engage parents and families in an annual local review of the Title I Program and use the results of the annual review to address any identified barriers to parental participation; to meet the needs of families to help their children learn, and to identify successful parent and family engagement strategies.
  3. Engage parents and families in developing, implementing, and reviewing School-Parent Compacts.
  4. Engage parents and families in planning and developing effective parent and family engagement activities through representation on each building’s Title I Needs Assessment/Evaluation Committee or Schoolwide Committee.
  5. Build capacity for school, parent, and family engagement by:
  1. Providing parents and family members with information on state standards, assessments, requirements of Title I, monitoring their child’s progress, and working with educators.
  2. Providing materials, resources, and training to help parents and families work with their children to improve academic achievement.
  3. Implementing a two-way communication system with parents and families that provides information in clear and understandable terms.
  4. Collaborating with business leaders and community organizations to offer opportunities for family-school engagement, and
  5. Coordinating parent and family engagement activities with other federal, state, and local programs, such as after school programs.