In alignment with Section 1116(a)(2) of ESSA, the Moscow School District will:
- Engage parents and families in the joint planning and development of the district’s Title I plan.
- Engage parents and families in an annual local review of the Title I Program and use the results of the annual review to address any identified barriers to parental participation; to meet the needs of families to help their children learn, and to identify successful parent and family engagement strategies.
- Engage parents and families in developing, implementing, and reviewing School-Parent Compacts.
- Engage parents and families in planning and developing effective parent and family engagement activities through representation on each building’s Title I Needs Assessment/Evaluation Committee or Schoolwide Committee.
- Build capacity for school, parent, and family engagement by:
- Providing parents and family members with information on state standards, assessments, requirements of Title I, monitoring their child’s progress, and working with educators.
- Providing materials, resources, and training to help parents and families work with their children to improve academic achievement.
- Implementing a two-way communication system with parents and families that provides information in clear and understandable terms.
- Collaborating with business leaders and community organizations to offer opportunities for family-school engagement, and
- Coordinating parent and family engagement activities with other federal, state, and local programs, such as after school programs.