Fun and interactive learning games for K-5.

Safe search engine for kids. |

Games, books, videos, biographies and more for K-5.

Fizzy's Lunch Lab YouTube Channel, explore the science behind snacks. |

Visit Interland to learn all about
internet safety. 2-5.

Explore art, science, nature, history and cultures through games, activities and quizzes. 3-5.

Current news for kids, international country facts and information and more! 3-5.

Get facts, information, biographies, and definitions with online encyclopedias and dictionaries. 3-5.

A place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery. |

Fun coding games

U.S. Government for kids. |

Brief facts about everything you can images. K-8.
Free typing games. |

NASA for students in Kindergarten
to 4th Grade. |

Wallace, Gromit and friends STEM activities.

STEM design and build activities.

Minecraft fan - download foldable instructions for cubic characters.

Learn how to be safe online with internet safety and cyberbullying tips.

Time for Kids
no login needed, just select your grade.

PBS Science for kids!

PBS Science for girls!
Art for Kids - How to draw YouTube channel.

Science projects, experiments and facts.

NIH Kids Health games, activities and lessons.