What is Title I?
Title I-A is a federally funded program designed to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments, regardless of socio-economic status. Funding allocations are based on poverty levels.
Title I-A funding enables the district to provide additional instructional staff, supplies and materials, technology, and professional development to help raise student achievement in targeted schools. Students in need of extra reading support are offered this opportunity through the Title I teacher and staff.
The schools with a poverty level that exceeds the district average poverty level, typically 32%, include West Park Elementary, Russell Elementary, Lena Elementary and Paradise Creek Regional High School. These schools provide Title I services to students based on their academic need in the area of Reading, regardless of those students socio-economic status.
To learn more about each Title I reading program, click on any of the following Title I School Compact Booklets:
Lena Whitmore Title I Compact Booklet
McDonald Elementary Title I Compact Booklet
West Park Title I Compact Booklet
Paradise Creek Regional High School Title I Compact
The Moscow School District seeks to hire and retain highly qualified staff members. Each of our strong Title I reading programs is taught by a highly qualified Title I teacher:
- Lena Whitmore--Title I Teacher: Paula Karr
- McDonald Elementary--Title I Teacher: Patty Pancheri
- West Park Elementary--Title I Teacher: Anna Payne and Sheryl Gomez
- Paradise Creek Regional High School--Title I Teacher: Ruby Jackson
To request information about the qualifications of your child's Title I or classroom teacher, please contact the Human Resources office at 208-882-1120.
Title I Parent Involvement Plans
Paradise Creek Regional High School Title I Parent Involvement Plan
Lena Whitmore Title I Parent Involvement Plan
McDonald Elementary Title I Parent Involvement Plan
West Park Title I Parent Involvement Plan